Rock River Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2012

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Note: A minimum of 44 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium rubicon red sox
Chris Rowoldt
1. Chris Rowoldt, RUB .510
2. EJ Dornfeldt, RUB .462
3. Jason Strobel, KEW .455
4. John Ellenberger, HUST .418
5. Luke Daley, RUB .413
Runs Batted In RBI
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz, RUB 20
2. Lee Kaul, RUB 20
3. James Goodfellow, BROW 19
4. Jami Kaul, HUST 18
5. Dan Shea, KEW 18
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Medium brownsville 49ers
John Cetnar
1. John Cetnar, BROW 13
2. James Goodfellow, BROW 13
3. Lee Kaul, RUB 12
4. Chad Fisher, OAK 12
5. Ty Schill, KEW 11
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
Medium hustisford astros
Chris Marks
1. Chris Marks, HOR 4
2. Ryan Paul, HUST 4
3. Joe Menzel, RUB 3
4. Sam Wilhelms, BROW 3
5. Jerry Erdmann, OAK 3
Plate Appearances PA
Medium rubicon red sox
Joe Menzel
1. Joe Menzel, RUB 81
2. Ty Schill, KEW 74
3. Jordan Stephans, HART 71
4. Chad Fisher, OAK 70
5. John Cetnar, BROW 70
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium rubicon red sox
Chris Rowoldt
1. Chris Rowoldt, RUB .569
2. James Goodfellow, BROW .500
3. Luke Daley, RUB .500
4. Jason Strobel, KEW .492
5. Jami Kaul, HUST .486
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium kewaskum a's
Jason Strobel
1. Jason Strobel, KEW .818
2. Austin Sarauer, KEW .717
3. James Goodfellow, BROW .667
4. John Ellenberger, HUST .655
5. Jami Kaul, HUST .650
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium kewaskum a's
Jason Strobel
1. Jason Strobel, KEW 1.310
2. Chris Rowoldt, RUB 1.202
3. James Goodfellow, BROW 1.167
4. Austin Sarauer, KEW 1.139
5. Jami Kaul, HUST 1.136
Note: A minimum of 16 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Medium kewaskum a's
Jake Panzer
1. Jake Panzer, KEW 0.93
2. Kam Koplitz, RUB 1.01
3. Dustin Andrus, OAK 1.54
4. Brad Young, KEW 1.74
5. Sam Wilhelms, BROW 1.86
Innings Pitched IP
Medium brownsville 49ers
Sam Wilhelms
1. Sam Wilhelms, BROW 106.2
2. Austin Massey, MILW 79.2
3. Chris Morgan, OAK 78.1
4. Jim Ziegler, KEW 74.1
5. Chris Rowoldt, RUB 70.0
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz, RUB 0.75
2. Andy Schwantes, WAT 0.85
3. Brad Young, KEW 0.97
4. Sam Wilhelms, BROW 1.04
5. Lucas Kopeschka, KEW 1.07
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Medium kewaskum a's
Jake Panzer
1. Jake Panzer, KEW 4.66
2. Kam Koplitz, RUB 4.86
3. Brad Young, KEW 6.10
4. Matt Sabel, LEB 6.30
5. Jordan Frey, FARM 6.35
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Medium watertown cardinals
Andy Schwantes
1. Andy Schwantes, WAT 1.09
2. Mike Davis, JAN 1.69
3. Chris Morgan, OAK 1.72
4. Kam Koplitz, RUB 1.84
5. Dustin Andrus, OAK 1.93
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Medium lebanon whitetails
Matt Sabel
1. Matt Sabel, LEB 13.80
2. Cory Tjader, HOR 13.50
3. Chas Schuster, LEB 11.57
4. Matt Dwyer, HUST 11.53
5. Josh Braunschweig, J.C. 11.35
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
Medium watertown cardinals
Andy Schwantes
1. Andy Schwantes, WAT 6.75
2. Cory Tjader, HOR 4.69
3. Kam Koplitz, RUB 4.45
4. Dustin Andrus, OAK 4.40
5. Brad Young, KEW 4.33
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.